
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 40: keep going!

There are so many road blocks that can make you not reach your goal or your dream. How you deal or handle these road blocks will be the outcome of either reaching or not reaching your goals or dreams. I'm sure you have heard this, " you are your worst enemy." you say one more bite even though I'm not hungry, you may say my new years resolution is not working so why keeping trying, you may say there is so many tempting things for me to reach my goal, the list could go on. I go through these types of road blocks every day. I can listen to the lies or I can speak truth and say, "I can do this! It's one minute at a time and it's one meal at a time. When I fall I get back up. The fall may hurt but getting back up and humbling myself makes me strong. All things are possible with God. I can not do it on my own!! I never will be able to do it on my own!"

I hope this inspires and encourages you! Keep dreaming and setting your goals and dreams! You can do it! Believe in yourself is where it all starts!