
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Checking this out...

Today is a new day with the cold morning freeze on my windshield and then at noon it being warm enough to have no jacket. Could the weather make up it's mind? I guess the weather is sometimes like people who can not make up his or her mind. We all have a voice, thoughts, and actions but actually deciding what one will do with them is another thing. When someone cuts you off in traffic the thoughts that role through your mind on giving them a piece of your mind and maybe the comments that might come out of your mouth when the person cuts you off is another issue. We all run into day to day issues where we have thoughts but how do we say these thoughts or say them nicely to not offend someone so we are not "rude."

Caring what others think is a big part on how people live. But what if one day you did not care? Would you have friends when you said everything that you every wanted to say or would you be left alone?or what about those friends you can say anything to? Will they one day leave because you are being you and just speaking and trying to get hurts or frustrations out?

Life is all about relationships and friendships. I have figured that even though i wish I could talk all the time and give my piece of mind, that some times its better not said or i thank about it to the One who will never leave me...these are my thoughts....

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